10 Ways to Travel Healthy & Still Enjoy!

It is that time of year again! At the time of writing this, it is May 31st and people are asking me to for tips on how to travel and remain somewhat healthy and not gain the weight that they worked so hard to lose! More importantly, they do not wish to derail the healthy habits they have successfully changed over the months.

Here are 10 Tips you can use this Summer and all year round to enjoy yourself but stay true to your values and not derail all of your progress:

  1. Plan ahead: Research your destination to find restaurants and grocery stores that offer healthy food options. Look for local markets or farm-to-table restaurants where you can find fresh and organic produce.
  2. Pack healthy snacks: Bring along nutritious snacks such as nuts, apples, bananas, low sugar granola bars, or homemade energy balls. Bring a portable blender to take with you to make protein shakes to keep you full and satisfied. These will help you avoid unhealthy temptations when hunger strikes during your travels.
  3. Stay hydrated: Carry a reusable water bottle and aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated can help curb cravings and keep you energized.
  4. When traveling on long car trips, listen to your hunger cues! Try activities when not driving to keep you from getting bored instead of snacking the whole time. Things like car games (I spy was one of our favorites), reading, listening to podcasts, singing in the car and keep hydrated which will help your energy levels and keep cravings down.
  5. Find active adventures & play with the kids in the pool: Look for activities that involve physical movement and enjoyment. Examples include snorkeling, paddle boarding, kayaking, hiking, or joining a walking tour. These activities not only keep you active but also provide unique experiences.
  6. Balance indulgences & be mindful of portion sizes: Allow yourself to enjoy local specialties and treats but in moderation. Balance indulgent meals with healthier choices during other times of the day. While trying new foods, be mindful of portion sizes. If you’re eating out, consider sharing meals or asking for smaller portions to avoid overeating.
  7. Choose accommodation with kitchen facilities: Opt for accommodations with a kitchenette or access to a communal kitchen. This allows you to prepare some of your own meals using fresh, healthy ingredients. You’ll save a lot of $$ too! Research local cuisine: Explore the traditional dishes of the region you’re visiting. Look for healthier options within the local cuisine that incorporate fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. A great way to get to know the culture and eat healthier!
  8. Set realistic expectations: Understand that traveling may bring some challenges and deviations from your usual routine. Embrace flexibility and be realistic about what you can achieve while on the road. Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself if you slip up or deviate from your plan. Remember that traveling is an opportunity to experience new things and enjoy yourself. If you make choices that aren’t in line with your goals, acknowledge it, and move forward without dwelling on it. Stress = weight gain!
  9. Watch sugary alcoholic drinks by the pool.  Alcohol in general – dehydrates, raises your blood sugars, makes you hungrier, less sharp on decisions like food choices. If you choose to drink try wine spritzers with soda water, vodkas with soda and a lime, hard seltzers or non-alcohol choices like drink unsweetened flavored seltzers for bubbles with no calories and with flavor. Drink plenty of plain water in between!
  10. Prioritize self-care: Take time for self-care activities such as catching up on your reading, meditation, or just lay by the pool or play in the sand. This helps reduce stress and promotes overall well-being during your travels. With the money you save on eating in for most meals, treat yourself to a massage!

Remember, it’s all about finding a balance that works for you, while being realistic. By incorporating these ideas, you can stay on track with your healthy eating and living plan while still enjoying your travel experience to the fullest.

Lori is a Certified Health Coach and Weight Management Specialist and owner of Seeds of Change Nutrition LLC. This article may contain affiliate products. To find out more about her services and programs go here. Contact her today for more support with your health and weight loss goals!